Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Summer Clossing

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This summer I accompanied 10 groups of French tourists to spend their summer in Java. Some of my reservations have been cancelled due to the earthquake in Java. It’s alright… hope next summer there will be more tourists come to Indonesia. In the mean time I’ll be busy with my study in the university. I’m going to study art… metal smithing next month. However I still continue teaching silversmithing course in my studio. You can maybe visit my web at www.artstudio76.com

Should you need info regarding to Indonesian tourism especially Java please feel free to write me & I’ll do my best to provide the requested info.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Kuoni Of This Summer

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This summer finished by accompanying a French couple Jeremy & Maud from Kuoni. We did an overland tour from Yogyakarta to Surabaya. As last summer, we went to Surabaya by train then continued to Bromo. The sun rise was very beautiful. Don’t forget to send me the photo with the jeep!!

After sunrise we went down to Surabaya for the last night in Java, Novotel Surabaya. Unfortunately there was a traffic due to a problem fixing of a gaz company (PT. Lapindo Brantas). It took us 1,5 hour to escape from the traffic. Then we continued to traditional Javanese port Pasuruan to see traditional sailing boat.

Our last night in Surabaya wasn’t good for me.. to many mosquito in this big city. Next morning dropping Jeremy & Maud to Surabaya international airport for catching flight to Bali. Have a nice trip!! Bonne Continuation!!

3rd Group

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Laurent et Solenne, Armelle et Isabelle, Francois, Jacques, Fabrice et Celine… are the members of my 3rd group. Maybe they’re also my last group of this summer.. I don’t have any reservation yet The tour was really good… and the members were really nice too. Before starting the trek we stopped at a huge tea plantation. Isabelle & Laurent bought a special knife for cutting the tea leaves. (n’oubliez pas de m’envoyer les photos avec les femmes du thé)

After visiting the waterfall in Tawangmangu we went to a swimming pool. Jacques, Laurent & Armelle (petite papillon avec son maillot de bain) enjoyed the cool water 15 degree C. Solenne, Isabelle, Francois, Fabrice & Celine had chicken & rabbit satay. The satay seller (Mbok Gito, 60 years old) used to served the 1st Indonesian president Mr. Sukarno. Celine & Isabelle, please send me the photos you made with her. I promised to bring it to her someday when I visit Tawangmangu again.

Finishing the tour around 5 pm and back to Yogyakarta for a dinner before arriving to hotel.On a goûté cigarette de clou de giroffe, même Celine qui n’est pas fumeuse l’a aussi fumée. C’est pas la faute de guide qui les a propose (don’t blame the guide). Je ne sais pas si Isabelle a ramené une cartouche de cigarette avant de partir.. et Armelle..tu as déjà acheté une balayette à Lombok avant de partir?

Next morning I dropped them in Tugu train station for next depart to Surabaya as previous groups. Et voila!! Les 3 groups de Volcan Légendaires / Nouvelle Frontieres..hope next summer there will be more tourists come to Indonesia.

2nd Group Volcan Légendaires

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Here they are.. my second group of Volcan Légendaires..Michelle & Eric, Willy & Marlene, Celine, Bertrand & Thony, William, Philippe, Christophe, Francois & Anne. We did the same tour as the first group of Volcan Légendaires..and we could reach Tawangmangu / waterfall this time. We left earlier & moved faster to get there. It was really beautiful…a waterfall of 81 metres & monkeys around..

Unfortunately, I only have one email address.. Willy, please let me know if you have email the addresses of our group.